Public Agency Training Council is proud to provide continuing education through webinars hosted by our instructors. All webinars have been recorded from previous live training sessions. Registered viewers will receive a limited time access link to view the training. Upon completing the training all viewers will receive a course completion certificate.
Each webinar is 2-hours long unless otherwise noted.
A NOBLE PROFESSION - Returning Professionalism to Law Enforcement
Instructor: Tim Randall

Course Description: This course will look at professionalism in law enforcement. We will discuss the benefits of this course to include: Officer safety, enhanced professionalism, decreased citizen complaints, decreased vicarious liability, increased officer morale, improve relationships between law enforcement and the community, and honoring the proud tradition of the police serving a community.
Topics Covered: Traits of a professional, the crucible of the streets, warning signs of conflict, uniform courage, attitude, ego, first impressions, applying customer service skills to public service, keys to handling unreasonable & difficult people, things cops should never say, universal truths, predictors of citizen satisfaction, professional language and looking out for each other.
After "IT" Happens: Impact on Police Officers and Communities
Instructor: Eric DiLorenzo

Due to the high potential threat to an officer’s safety and life as well as seeing deaths among the protected population, an officer’s psychological integrity is greatly threatened after responding to a Mass Shooting. A Mass Shooting in a community has far-reaching implications to include disruption of services and a reduction in the workforce within a Law Enforcement Agency.
This training identifies the impacts on an officer, the department, and the community it serves while providing solutions to get officers and agencies back to their “new normal” after a Mass Shooting incident.
Background Investigations
Instructor: Tim Randall

Background investigations play a critical role in ensuring the integrity of the process. To make a valid evaluation of the individual, it is crucial that as much information as possible is known and that the investigation is of high quality. Many agencies say they can not afford to do a comprehensive background investigation when the reality is, you cannot afford not to do a background investigation. This webinar will take you step by step through a background investigation to help you find candidates who have the education, skills and personality necessary to fill the position. We will also talk about how to find out any issues of reputation, integrity or trustworthiness that could potentially put the agency at risk of liability.
Behavioral Analytics and Leadership
Instructor: Darryl Rivers

These models of behavior course are designed to illuminate the four basic behavior styles and how each individual's behavior style influences his or her communication. By recognizing our communicative behaviors', we can identify why we experience good communication and extreme difficulties with others. Each attendee will be provided a personal communication style behavioral assessment prior to attending the course. A detailed breakdown of each attendees' behavior/communication style will be provided along with methods to up-level the effectiveness of their overall communication. This course is for all levels of law enforcement.
Challenging Interviews: Children and Sex Crimes Victims
Instructor: Mike Ruggiero and Ryan Olsson

The webinar will focus on various techniques to employ when conducting these challenging interviews. The success of these investigations often hinges on the quality and thoroughness of the initial interviews, they need to be done professionally and with the interviewee in mind.
Child Abuse- from Homicide through Neglect
Instructors: Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer

Child abuse cases are unique with rapidly changing evidence and witness statements. The investigations require recognition of the injuries and immediate preservation of evidence. In infant homicides, 80% of the infants have no signs of external trauma. This training will examine what to preserve the scene and how to properly dore-enactments. This training will further cover the signs, symptoms, and family dynamics that lead to the most common scene of physical child abuse. We will also examine how to investigate child exploitation crimes that most commonly occur on-line and through apps for successful prosecution. Finally, we will examine child neglect and the differences between families in need and criminal neglect. Specifically what should be investigated and documented in order to prove criminal neglect.
Child Abuse Investigation for the Patrol Officer
Instructor: Derrick Harris

During this course, the students will learn the importance of the initial investigation into Child Abuse and understand the importance of the officer’s role.
Child Custody Orders: Debunking the Myth
Instructor: Wayne Sheppard

This webinar will provide the participant with the federal framework of resources and relevant case law in matters of child custody orders. In doing so, the information provided will debunk the myth that child custody orders are only a civil issue. Hence, a law enforcement response is required. Therefore, the webinar will provide the necessary steps and course of investigative action law enforcement authorities are required to take in its response to these types of incidents.
Climbing the Ladder of Influential Leadership
Instructor: Darryl Rivers

Leadership is a process, not a position. This course deals with people and their dynamics which are continually changing. We will discuss clear and teachable steps for outstanding leadership growth and understanding. By the end of our time together, participants will have an in-depth understanding of where they currently are in their leadership journey and how to up-level their leadership effectiveness by applying proven principles of leadership influence.
Communicating Through Crisis
Instructor: Miriam Dickler

Public safety agencies can find themselves suddenly in the public and media spotlight when a crisis hits; learn to navigate the public information challenges of these high-stress events confidently and successfully.
Conducting Successful Robbery Investigations
Instructor: Brian Jarvis

In order to have cases that can be prosecuted successfully, we must ensure that the robbery investigation is handled professionally and thoroughly from the time it is reported until the culmination of the investigation.
The successful investigation is the product of a good crime scene investigation, informative interviews, proper follow up and thorough and complete documentation of the facts. Any area that is lacking during the investigation reduces the chances of a successful prosecution.
Courtroom Testimony for Officers and Detectives
Instructor: John Kempf

Topics will include; preparing to testify, dealing with the "tricks" of cross-examination, handling the "CSI effect."
Creative Criminal Investigations Primer
Instructor: Mark Kollar

This fast-paced webinar serves as a primer to provide unconventional investigative ideas which will help bring resolution to your unsolved cases while providing additional tools for your investigative toolbox. Leveraging human assets, crime scene/forensic evidence, data analytics, investigative techniques, and cutting-edge technology will all be introduced for your consideration. Specific topics include genetic phenotyping, license plate readers, artificial intelligence, in-home smart devices, advertiser I.D.s, geofencing, and vehicle “black boxes,” among over 3 dozen other topics/suggestions to be presented.
Crime Scene Management
Instructor: Tim Randall

This course addresses the responsibilities of the crime scene manager to make sure everything gets done, everything gets done right and everything gets documented. This course will cover the supervision of those who investigate crime scenes, including responding patrol officers, case detectives, supervisors, coroners/death scene investigators, and laboratory analysts. It emphasizes the documentation and collection of physical evidence that will be used to reconstruct events.
Criminal Investigation Tactics - Techniques - Procedures
Instructor: Tim Randall

This webinar outlines tactics, techniques, and procedures with the goal of providing practical tools to ensure successful investigative processes and investigative practices. Most importantly, this webinar will give you step-by-step instructions during the follow-up phase of an investigation.
Crisis and PTSD: The Impact of Our Current Crisis on Past Trauma
Instructor: Silouan Green

In this webinar, we will examine the impact of coronavirus on cumulative stress. We will go over warning signs and intervention tools for those with developing cumulative trauma and stress.
Crisis Communications for Dispatchers
Instructor: Don Haley

Telecommunicators are often exposed to a variety of emotions from emergency calls. Remaining poised and calm allows the telecommunicator to be in control of the situation. The methods for handling callers in different crisis situations will be discussed throughout this course.
Crisis De-escalation for Police Communicators (Part 1)
Instructor: Monique Rollin

This webinar is designed to assist police communicators to understand and deal with individuals who are suffering from mental illness or in a state of crisis.
Communicators play an important role as first responders and this course will allow them to gain an understanding of their own critical roles and responsibilities and become part of the communal team effort and effective resolution of critical incidents.
Crisis Intervention
Instructor: Dr. Andy Young

Principles of Intervention
Active Listening
Mental Health Overview
Suicide by Cop
Critical Incident Stress Management and Officer Wellness
Instructor: Dr. Andy Young

An overview of how to take care of officers after they experience a traumatic or critical incident, with an incident debrief as an example.
Dangerous Restraint Techniques
Instructor: Dr. Elena Bulakhtina
The use of force by police in the execution of their duty is unavoidable, contrary to the expectations of the general public. Every law enforcement officer would likely use some type of restraint more than once during his or her career. Some people will suddenly die while being restrained, or shortly after. Could such deaths be avoided? Did the person die solely because of restraint? If not, did restraint contribute to death? Such questions could not be answered by yes or no. What could be done is to minimize the risk of death and injury of a person in custody by learning why some restraint methods are more dangerous than others.
Dead Wrong
Instructor: Dr. Elena Bulakhtina

I am a big fan of crime fiction and TV shows. I’ve read hundreds of books by authors from all over the world. I try not to focus on what crime writers got wrong about forensic pathology, but I have my limits. “The death occurred at midnight, and our killer is left-handed,” said a coroner who just finished an autopsy at the medical examiner’s office.” It is all wrong, I would say to anyone willing to listen. Coroners do not perform autopsies unless they happen to be forensic pathologists. The time of death cannot be determined by looking at stomach contents. The handedness cannot be determined by examining the wounds, and soon.
As you have guessed by now, this presentation is about common forensic pathology mistakes in crime fiction and how it works in real life.
But we know it all, you might say. Maybe. Maybe not. I have met coroners, police and lawyers, who had the same misconceptions about certain forensic pathology aspects as the crime writes.
Discrimination in the Workplace
Instructor: Mark Waterfill

Learn the essential terms regarding various types of discrimination, such as gender, race, age, religion, and disability. Explore how to defend these claims and create a diverse workplace free of discrimination.
Domestic Violence Homicide, Suspicious Death or Missing Person
Instructors: Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer

Overview: Every year there are a number of missing persons and presumed dead individuals or individuals who are deceased but the manner of death is undetermined. What these cases have in common is a lengthy history of domestic violence. How can an investigation change a Medical Examiners opinion from undetermined to homicide? How can a homicide be charged in a nobody case? This training will cover reopening cold cases, the use of cadaver dogs, and scene processing. The training will review how prior 911 calls, protective orders, social media posts, and witnesses can be used to build and try the DV homicide.
Employee and Community Messaging
Instructor: George Perez

Communication through a crisis for police supervisors.
Employee Performance Matters
Instructor: George Perez

Defending the employee discipline and employee performance plan process.
Equality and Feminist Leadership in Policing
Instructor: Monique Rollin

This webinar will explore the theory of equality and feminist leadership in policing. We will discuss law enforcement’s conception of power and leadership in work environments that is inextricably linked to lopsided social and cultural structures that marginalize women. Feminist Leadership is leadership that recognizes equality, mutuality, and the absence of sex-role behaviors. Current questionable leadership norms reinforce hierarchies and often employee potential and capability are viewed through a biased lens shaped by stereotypes about gender, sex, race, class, and origin.
Excited Delirium (EXD)
Instructor: Dr. Elena Bulakhtina

Clinical presentation
Sudden death associated with EXD during or shortly after a violent struggle with police
Use of force including the use of Taser in persons with EXD
Danger of EXD to police, first responders and medical professionals such as ED personnel
First Responder Response to Drone Flights
Instructor: Vincent D'Angelo

Hear what first responders, can do while dealing with small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS), commonly called drones. Millions of drones are entering the airspace annually. These devices are a significant threat to manned and commercial aircraft, large open-air events, dignitary visits, infrastructure as well as a potential nuisance and violation of privacy over homes, hotels, offices, etc.
Local law enforcement and private industry are not permitted to use current technology that jams or manipulates these drones.
Learn what can be done to mitigate the problem through public education and proactive enforcement using available tools and laws.
Learn about building relationships and sharing with drone detection technology companies potentially already in or near your city or jurisdiction.
Learn what local law enforcement and local courts can and have done while working closely with their district and city attorneys as well as the Federal Aviation Administration.
Discuss using existing as well as new laws to address errant drone flights of the clueless, careless, and criminal.
Discuss dealing with the future of drones and being ahead of the problem.
Fentanyl Trends, Identification and Safe Handling
Instructor: John Kempf

A concise look at current fentanyl trends and best practices on safe handling from the street to the courtroom.
Foundation of Peer Support: Core Principles in a Time of Crisis
Instructor: Silouan Green

In this webinar, you will learn simple, but effective peer support tools and actions for departments of all sizes in a time of crisis. Peer support is one of the most effective tools in our belt for dealing with changing times and unknown outcomes.
Instructor: Tim Randall

Why does it take so long to get someone hired? This webinar will look at the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for a successful hiring process. We will talk about how to develop an efficient policy and process for applications, testing, and hiring. We will help you understand the steps to interview a candidate and avoid negligent hiring.
Homicide Crime Scene Reconstruction
Instructor: Tim Randall

This course gives investigators and crime scene personnel a basic foundation in identifying, documenting, and reconstructing evidence at a homicide crime scene. Attendees will be provided the basic skills of homicide and questioned death scene investigations to include:
Homicide checklist and worksheets
Bloodstain pattern recognition
Ballistics and trajectory evidence
Crime scene reconstruction
Crime scene sketch and timeline
Information sources
Human Behavior and Body Language: Interviews and Interrogation
Instructor: Darryl Rivers

Understanding Human Behavior and Body Language participants will have a highly informational crash course on how to apply human behaviors and the way the brain processes information to construct a more effective interview and interrogation format.
Participants will gain additional tools to identify potential deception, frustration, recall of information, confusion, and many more scientific principles that will take their interviewing and interrogation techniques to the next level.
Human Trafficking: Examining the Line Between Consent and Coercion
Instructors: Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer

This workshop will delve into the difficult debate surrounding human trafficking, consent, and coercion. This workshop will examine human trafficking laws both federally and throughout the US and how consent and coercion play a role in the ability to investigate and prosecute sex trafficking. We will discuss the definition of consent and how societal definitions can hinder investigations and what we can do to avoid those pitfalls. The workshop will use real-life examples to help illuminate the problematic idea that sex workers enthusiastically consent to trafficking.
Incident Debrief: The Profile of an (Almost) Active Shooter
Instructor: Dr. Andy Young

An interview with a young man who almost conducted a mass shooting, and an overview of this incident.
Internal Affairs
Instructor: George Perez

Internal affairs case reviews of an officer-involved shooting and employee theft matter. Internal affairs survival kit for the first-line supervisors.
Internal Affairs and Garrity
Instructor: Mike Ruggiero

In the current climate of policing in the US, conducting professional internal investigations is more important than ever. This webinar will focus on the conduct of internal investigations and will focus on the use of force investigations and how the Garrity ruling applies to LEO’s conducting and involved in internal investigations.
We will look at these investigations from both the perspective of the agency and the employee who is involved in these types of investigations. Best practices will be discussed on how to conduct these investigations in a thorough, professional manner. It is not a matter of “if” you or your agency will be involved in these investigations, it is a matter of “when?” Be prepared.
Introduction to Crisis (Hostage) Negotiation
Instructor: Dr. Andy Young

An overview of the principles of active listening, influence, and persuasion, and some negotiator callouts as examples.
Interview Skills
Instructor: Tim Randall

A recent survey showed that 97 to 98 percent of police work is oral interaction. In other words, much of our time is spent talking to people. The skills included in this instruction will help you understand how we get people to talk with us, how do we get more information, and how we get better information. This Course will include Interview skills, rapport building, Miranda, the don'ts of interviewing, the profile of a successful interviewer, interview settings, and telephone interviews.
Investigating Claims of Sexual Harassment
Instructor: Mark Waterfill

Sexual harassment claims can create substantial liability and public embarrassment. This webinar helps you define sexual harassment and teaches you to properly investigate these difficult claims.
Investigating Financial Exploitation Involving Elderly Victims
Instructor: Brian Jarvis

This training module will assist in providing the knowledge and skills that are necessary to identify the problem areas involving the financial exploitation of the elderly. Attendees will be able to recognize the signs of financial exploitation and properly identify and investigate alleged reports of abuse.
Upon completion, attendees will have been provided the specific skills to:
Understand the types of elder abuse
Recognize who the abusers are
Recognize signs and symptoms of financial exploitation of the elderly
Understand issues affecting the risk of abuse
Understand how the aging process affects abuse
Understand how property crimes are perpetrated against the elderly
Understand why crimes against the elderly often go unreported
Understand their role in investigating financial exploitation of the elderly
Juveniles - Connecting with a Disconnected Generation
Instructors: Don Haley and Allison Haley

Our Webinar will share the following best practices for effectively engaging and positively impacting problematic juveniles:
Breaking down barriers via successful outreach in communities, schools, and families, while building positive relationships
Balancing public school discipline with adjudication proceedings in the Juvenile Courts
Working with special populations such as ESL, teen repeat offenders, and students with disabilities
The power of mentoring, collaboration, and targeted interventions
Key Principles and Mindset for Effective Recruiting
Instructor: Darryl Rivers

This recruiting course is not like any other. Participants will be exposed to recruiting philosophies and challenged to shift from the traditional mindset of recruiting of casting a net to specific spear fishing for your ideal candidate.
Law Enforcement in Light of the George Floyd Tragedy
Instructor: Charles Braun II

In this program, the Instructor will look at the likely consequences and talk about the many possible changes upon American law enforcement that could occur as a result of the current National crisis.
Law enforcement leaders must be focusing now (not later) on their own proposals for the future, on how to react to the attempted changes by those outside of law enforcement, and to begin developing strategic plans for how to integrate the changes that will most assuredly becoming.
Leadership and Management Skills (Part 1)
Instructor: Don Haley

This webinar is designed to build a foundation of knowledge essential management skills utilized in Law Enforcement leadership and management. We will discuss the importance of utilizing and developing situational awareness and self-awareness.
Leadership and Management Skills (Part 2)
Instructor: Don Haley

This webinar is designed to build a solid foundation of knowledge essential to law enforcement management skills and leadership. We will share how to correct the errors of the past while creating new disciplines for the future. At the completion of this webinar the participant will be able to do the following:
• Understand the Four Expectations of Top Law Enforcement Leaders.
• Describe the Four Capabilities of Effective Law Enforcement Leadership
• Identify why team building is essential in law enforcement organizations.
• Model five steps to assess and sharpen our leadership and management skills.
• Identify what dissipates energy within a leadership team.
•Learn the process of solving problems in policing.
Leadership Dynamics: Proven Strategies for Sustained Leadership
Instructor: Darryl Rivers

Leadership Dynamics: Principles for Continued Success addresses the challenges of leadership and adjusting to the personnel you are commissioned to influence. It is not the "if" you face leadership hurdles, it is the "when" you face these hurdles.
This course will provide insight into the world of the most successful leadership paradigms, how successful leaders thin, cultivate, and process everything they touch.
Leadership - Leading Through a Crisis
Instructor: Don Haley

This webinar will layout 7 essential components that leaders in crisis do well. We will share the importance of awareness, anticipation, and agility, in relation to the crisis decision-making process. We will cover the 5 essential communication factors that shall be addressed by leaders during a crisis.
Leadership Lessons from Some of History's Greatest Leaders
Instructor: Charles Braun II

American law enforcement, now more than ever is being challenged in so many unique ways. Leadership skills are intensely needed in today’s environment by officers at all levels.
Leadership Response to Bias Communication
Instructor: Dr. E. Beverly Young

Insensitivity is not innate. If it were, you would then have to say, all people were born to hate and respond insensitively. When a person behaves insensitively it may imply a belief in superiority and that actions, words, or behaviors, even though offensive and bias, should be adopted as the norm for society and not challenged. Are police leaders responsible for identifying the root cause of insensitivity? Not necessarily, however; leaders are held accountable for addressing the issue to alert those they supervise to how insensitive communication affects performance first, legitimacy, and procedural justice next.
Leadership Response to Bias Communication© reviews the back-2-basics of why we communicate as police officers, specifically addressing bias and bias-free communication, leadership challenges to maintaining an organizational culture that includes bias-free communication and inclusionary practices.
Managing the Big Three within the Evidence Room
Instructor: Joe Willis

The webinar will cover current acceptable standards in compliance with accreditation expectations from organizations such as CALEA. Topics will cover proper storage, safety issues, and disposal of Guns, Drugs, and Money. The discussion will cover some legal requirements associated with the "Big Three".
The objective upon completion of the webinar is to enlighten the viewer as to the necessity of proper storage of the high-value items and avoid the risks inherent with such items.
Marijuana and Hemp
Instructor: Robert Head

In this webinar you will learn:
What is marijuana?
Different types of marijuana.
The Difference between marijuana and hemp.
What do these industries look like in your community?
What test results look like and how to read them?
Types of packaging for marijuana and hemp.
Maximizing Evidence at the Crime Scene
Instructor: Brian Jarvis

One of the most important aspects of a successful investigation is the proper and complete preservation of the crime scene. You must insure minimal contamination and disturbance of physical evidence. The initial response to an incident must be expeditious and methodical. Officers responding to crime scenes must be fully aware of the presence and fragility of the evidence at and near the crime scene.
The initial responding officer(s) must promptly and cautiously approach and enter crime scenes, remaining observant of any persons, vehicles, events, potential evidence, and environmental conditions.
Missing Children with Autism High Risk Victimization
Instructor: Wayne Sheppard

Reports of missing adults or children with special needs (regardless of diagnosis) require an elevated response by law enforcement. Additionally, missing persons with Autism must be treated critically. The actions of the first responders are vital to the safe recovery of these persons. Conversely, a lack of response protocols and/or timeliness of that response may very well turn into a body recovery effort. Therefore, law enforcement tasked with the responsibility to safely recover missing persons with special needs must understand the behavior of these persons and develop the necessary response protocols based upon those unique behaviors. This webinar will provide the participant with a basic understanding of those behaviors, the special response protocols, containment measures and recovery and reunification issues surrounding these persons.
Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Incidents of Elder Abuse
Instructors: Brian Jarvis and Wayne Sheppard

Abuse of the elderly has continued to grow in recent years. Professionals that are charged with protecting the elderly, investigating abuse, and presenting prosecutions must understand the many facets of elder abuse and be prepared to investigate any reports of abuse. Utilizing a team approach will provide all involved with the tools and resources they need to conduct thorough investigations. Veteran criminal investigators Wayne Sheppard and Brian Jarvis will be discussing the importance of conducting a thorough investigation and methods you can use to not only assist the elderly victims, but also to provide key evidence in obtaining a conviction in the cases, if warranted.
Negotiating with Suicidal Individuals
Instructor: Dr. Peter Collins

This webinar will explore crisis negotiations with individuals who are actively suicidal as well as the phenomenon of suicide by cop.
Neuroscience -Increased Influence and Trust for Law Enforcement
Instructor: Don Haley

This webinar will teach neuroscience techniques that will increase law enforcement professional’s influence in the community while building trust and competence. We will discuss how to execute the process of creating new neuro-pathways in our brains to effectively interact, influence, negotiate, respond, dialogue, and resolve conflict with individuals we encounter on a daily basis.
We will discuss how to appropriately utilize triggering methods to increase our influence over our counterparts. This webinar will also introduce the power of “Lateral Thinking” when it comes to problem-solving for law enforcement professionals.
Pedophilia and Child Molestation
Instructor: Dr. Peter Collins

Dr. Collins will review the psychology of the pedophile and discuss the cross-associated paraphilias (sexual deviances) in individuals who sexually offend against children.
Photo Lineup and Eyewitness Identification
Instructor: Tim Randall

Eyewitness identifications play an important role in our criminal justice system, both by helping law enforcement officers identify suspects during an investigation and by helping juries determine guilt at trial. It is therefore crucial that the procedures law enforcement officers follow in conducting those identifications ensure the accuracy and reliability of evidence elicited from eyewitnesses.
This course will cover the latest guidelines and best practices for photo lineups and eyewitness identification.
Principles of Kinesics and Cognitive Interviewing
Instructor: Wayne Sheppard

This webinar is designed to provide the participants with an introductory overview of the principles of Kinesics and Cognitive Interviewing Techniques and the inclusion of those techniques as part of the foundational components of the interview process.
Public Information Writing
Instructor: Miriam Dickler

Learn the keys to writing effective press releases, media advisories, public service announcements and other public information products your agency should be using to connect with your communities.
Reclaiming the Narrative about Police Service
Instructor: Dr. E. Beverly Young

Reclaiming the Narrative about Police Service© is a webinar for police and community leaders concerned about recruiting members from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups for service as a police officer in light of cries for reform, restructuring, retraining.
The course facilitator/instructor uses the anatomy of peaceful protest understood as a cry for legitimacy, procedural justice, bias-free policing to convey content and to encourage discussion.
Instructor: Tim Randall

This webinar will help explain the difference between advertising and recruiting. We will explore the importance of identifying and attracting talent from a diverse pool and why diversity is important. This webinar will discuss how and where we find recruits and how do we get recruits to find us. We will look at how to prepare America's next generation of police officers.
Recruiting Minorities & Police Reform
Instructor: Dr. E. Beverly Young

Defunding does not solve the difficult task of recruiting or eradicate problems associated with how police departments recruit, hire and train future police officer candidates.
Recruiting Minorities & Police Reform© considers the cry for reform, specifics of reform, and benefits of reform alongside practices police agencies use to recruit, interview, train and retain staff representing the racial, ethnic, and gender demographics of the community.
Resilient Leadership: Strategies for Leading Through Crisis
Instructor: Silouan Green

This webinar will give you leadership tools for helping to create an atmosphere of resiliency in a time of crisis. It will also give you practical ideas for being more proactive in developing the resiliency of your team.
Responding to Armed Suicidal Subjects
Instructor: Dr. Andy Young

Law enforcement response to an armed and suicidal subject presents a responding officer with a myriad of challenges and problems. This training will review the factors involved in such a response by referencing the results of a scenario-based training for law enforcement professionals. Attendees will get to consider the proper deployment of lethal force, de-escalation training, and other tactics prior to facing similar scenarios on the street.
Safely Engaging Psychopaths and Sociopaths
Instructor: Don Haley

Equip yourself with tools and insights, as you enter the mind of individuals suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder.
School Resource Officers Certification Part 1
Instructor: Tim Randall

This course will cover the day to day operations of a school resource officer to include: School threats, bomb threats, active shooter, lockdown drills, traffic safety, special events, social media, training, a tour of duty, bullying, child custody, truancy, restorative justice, alternative sentencing, and drugs & alcohol.
Legal Issues in School
Search & Seizure
Arrests of Juveniles
Use of Force
Freedom of Speech
Miranda and the Juvenile
School Resource Officers Certification Part 2
Instructor: Tim Randall

This course will cover the day to day operations of a school resource officer to include: School threats, bomb threats, active shooter, lockdown drills, traffic safety, special events, social media, training, a tour of duty, bullying, child custody, truancy, restorative justice, alternative sentencing, and drugs & alcohol.
Legal Issues in School
Search & Seizure
Arrests of Juveniles
Use of Force
Freedom of Speech
Miranda and the Juvenile
School Resource Officers Certification Part 3
Instructor: Tim Randall

This course will cover the day to day operations of a school resource officer to include: School threats, bomb threats, active shooter, lockdown drills, traffic safety, special events, social media, training, a tour of duty, bullying, child custody, truancy, restorative justice, alternative sentencing, and drugs & alcohol.
Legal Issues in School
Search & Seizure
Arrests of Juveniles
Use of Force
Freedom of Speech
Miranda and the Juvenile
School Resource Officers Legal and Liability Issues
Instructor: Tim Randall

School resource officers are the subject of intense scrutiny and must have a working knowledge of the developing laws relating to juveniles and the school setting.
This course assists officers and agencies in assessing their level of risk exposure by examining court decisions. By understanding current case law and its impact on law enforcement operations in the school, environment agencies will be better prepared to establish proper training, protocol, and code of conduct.
Servant Leadership in Law Enforcement
Instructor: John Kempf

This webinar will discuss ways an individual supervisor can improve morale and increase the "buy-in" of their employees by using Servant Leadership.
Setting Up a Drunk Driving Task Force
Instructor: John Kempf

This webinar will discuss how to identify the need for a task force, ways to gain public support, and defining success.
Sex Offender Registration and Notification System
Instructor: Melissa Maranville

This webinar will focus on the sex offender registration and notification system (SORN) discussing LEO issues with sex offender compliance and non-compliance, repeat offending, residential restrictions offering case studies and discussions on what works and does not work to reduce sex offender recidivism rates, as well as the public including panic.
Sexual and Deviant Behaviors of Concern for Law Enforcement
Instructor: Tom Tittle

This webinar is gearing the officer to key in on these behaviors and see the “red flags”. This will increase your investigative abilities and your focus when you encounter specific behaviors and details of the investigation. These behaviors and details are a derivative of the offender.
This webinar is especially helpful to those officers with little training in this area. This is a “starter kit” for the officer and to understand that one should strive to seek continuous training concerning sex crimes. For the established officer, it will serve as a refresher on a topic that confronts us daily.
Stalking Investigations
Instructor: Angela Weekes

This course provides a tool for professionals in responding to Stalking investigations.
Stalking is often one of the most unidentified crimes in responding to Interpersonal Violence. It can take normal behavior and criminalize it if put into the context of the acts.
Suicide Investigations
Instructors: Tom Tittle & Brian Jarvis

When responding to any death investigation, it is important to understand the different modes of death. Keeping your mind open is crucial until you are able to prove what happened. In this training lecture, veteran investigators Tom Tittle and Brian Jarvis provide key information on suicide investigations. They look at the important information in the investigation and examine unusual methods of suicide and ways to handle the investigations.
Techniques for Successful Burglary Investigations
Instructor: Brian Jarvis

One of the most prevalent property crimes we see nationwide is burglary. Statistics show that less than 15% of the reported burglaries result in arrests and in many of these cases, the offender will plea bargain the charges down to a lesser offense.
The successful investigation is the product of a good crime scene investigation, informative interviews, proper follow up and thorough and complete documentation of the facts. Any area that is lacking during the investigation reduces the chances of a successful prosecution.
Techniques for Successful Robbery Investigations
Instructor: Brian Jarvis

In order to have cases that can be prosecuted successfully, we must ensure that the robbery investigation is handled professionally and thoroughly from the time it is reported until the culmination of the investigation.
The successful investigation is the product of a good crime scene investigation, informative interviews, proper follow up and thorough and complete documentation of the facts. Any area that is lacking during the investigation reduces the chances of a successful prosecution.
The Organizational Advantages of Applying Accreditation Credentials Part 1
Instructor: Jeff Owens

As scrutiny and criticism of the criminal justice system continue to develop, the positive impact of clearly defined policies, procedures, and best practices becomes more valuable to criminal justice providers with each passing day.
This course provides law enforcement agencies, jails, communication centers, parole and probation professionals, and other public servants with the basic information and accreditation insight to accomplish public service goals with public inclusion dynamics in mind.
The Organizational Advantages of Applying Accreditation Credentials Part 2
Instructor: Jeff Owens

As scrutiny and criticism of the criminal justice system continue to develop, the positive impact of clearly defined policies, procedures, and best practices becomes more valuable to criminal justice providers with each passing day.
This course provides law enforcement agencies, jails, communication centers, parole and probation professionals, and other public servants with the basic information and accreditation insight to accomplish public service goals with public inclusion dynamics in mind.
The Organizational Advantages of Applying Accreditation Credentials Part 3
Instructor: Jeff Owens

As scrutiny and criticism of the criminal justice system continue to develop, the positive impact of clearly defined policies, procedures, and best practices becomes more valuable to criminal justice providers with each passing day.
This course provides law enforcement agencies, jails, communication centers, parole and probation professionals, and other public servants with the basic information and accreditation insight to accomplish public service goals with public inclusion dynamics in mind.
The Power Grid for the American Chief of Police
Instructor: Charles Braun II

The American City Chief Of Police job is one of the most challenging public official positions to occupy. Duties are so stressful that terms in office are frequently of short duration.
The Speaker will highlight his uniquely developed “Police Chief Power Grid Job Model” that will focus on all of the individual factors that today’s Police Chief must honor (by balancing each factor and prioritizing with great sensitivity) and address in order to ensure a properly functioning power grid of Police Chief leadership, administration, influence, and accomplishment.
Testifying in Court Professional Courtroom Testimony
Instructor: Wayne Sheppard

The key to the successful prosecution of criminal cases is the proper articulation of the evidence that establishes the “Burden of Proof” in a court of law. As is most often the case, this responsibility rests upon the shoulders of professional law enforcement officers. Moreover, the “Defense”, in its efforts to rebut the evidence, will focus on that same articulation to discredit the officer and thus derail the Prosecution’s case. Therefore, What You Say, How You Say It, and What You Don’t Say…. MATTERS!
Top 5 Wounds Encountered by Law Enforcement
Instructor: Don Haley

This webinar will train the law enforcement professional on how to immediately identify the top 5 wounds encountered by law enforcement professionals. The webinar will cover key evidentiary components and aspects of identifying suspects, by utilizing unique aspects of deductive reasoning.
Understanding Emotional Intelligence and Human Behavior
Instructor: Don Haley

Webinar Objectives:
Define Emotional Intelligence Leadership
Explain the importance of developing emotional intelligence in order to create change and enhance
Explain the 5 basic components of emotional intelligence
Explain and compare the competencies that make up emotional intelligence
What is Evidence at a Fire Scene
Instructor: David West

In this webinar, we are going to discuss what is evidence at a fire scene and look at the Scientific vs. Technical approach and the importance of both disciplines beginning with the following.
Working with the Media
Instructor: Miriam Dickler

This practical and interactive webinar will allow participants to learn when and how to work in partnership with news outlets and how to be at ease in media interviews.
21st Century: Transnational Organized Crime, Policing and Future
Instructor: Melissa Maranville

This webinar will be offered in at least two separate webinars as it is based on a series, if not more, looking at “following the money” in terms of illicit criminal activities and enterprises. Discussions will be offered to focus on topics such as intellectual property theft, blue-collar and white-collar crimes, and transnational organized crimes in relation to federal crimes and free trade zones, as well as logistics and technology used to hide illicit activities and communications.
Psychological Aspects of Criminal Behavior
Instructors: Don Haley

This course is highly recommended for law enforcement professionals, police detectives, deputy sheriffs, correctional officers, and private investigators.
Psychological Aspects of Criminal Behavior reveals psychological, neurological, and sociological aspects of criminal behavior, as well as serious mental disorders.
We will explore best practices for neutralizing volatile situations, while effectively communicating with criminal psychopaths and sociopaths. This course will take us on a journey into the mindset of serious criminal offenders, addressing their “Why”. The course offers practical tools to make us better investigators, risk assessors, and predictors of dangerousness. We will also share best practices for effectively engaging and positively impacting problematic juveniles.
5.5 Hour Training
Investigative Statement Analysis
Instructors: Bob Shaffer
This course is highly recommended for law enforcement professionals, prosecuting attorneys, arson investigators, private investigators, human resource specialists and social workers.
The Linguistic Statement Analysis Technique (LSAT) is a discipline that is highly effective in the detection of deception, truthfulness and identification of hidden information in a subject’s written or spoken statements. LSAT involves scientifically examining the word choice, structure and content of a subject’s statement to determine whether it is truthful or deceptive as opposed to the traditional emotional method of rationalizing the events in the subject’s story.
12 Hour Training