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Dr. Andy Young

Dr. Andy Young has been a Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Lubbock Christian University since 1996 and a negotiator and psychological consultant with the Lubbock Police Department’s SWAT team since 2000. He also heads LPD's Victim Services Unit and is the director of the department’s Critical Incident Stress Management Team. He has been on the negotiating team at the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office since 2008, and is on the team at the Texas Department of Public Safety (Texas Rangers, Special Operations, Region 5). He is the author of, "Fight or Flight: Negotiating Crisis on the Frontline" and "When Every Word Counts: An Insider’s View of Crisis Negotiations", which contain mostly stories about his work as a crisis counselor and hostage negotiator at LPD. He was added as a third author for the 6th Edition of "Crisis Negotiations: Managing Critical Incidents and Hostage Situations in Law Enforcement and Corrections". Since 2014 he has spoken nationally and internationally at numerous hostage negotiator conferences, as well as other professional and academic conferences on crisis intervention and hostage negotiating.

When Every Word Counts - An Insider’s View of Crisis Negotiations
Author: Dr. Andy T. Young
Join Dr. Andy Young as he continues with an additional set of “you are there” personal stories from the front lines of crisis/hostage negotiation. He also describes some of the training law enforcement personnel go through that shows the challenges of learning how to respond to a crisis situation in a manner that both protects the officer and avoids escalating the situation.
Passion and compassion lie at the heart of these stories; Andy vividly illustrates not only the passion that law enforcement personnel, and especially crisis/hostage negotiators, have for their work, but also their genuine and deep compassion for everyone caught up in a crisis situation, including the “subject” at the epicenter of the crisis, and their fervent desire to see the situation resolved peacefully and safely for everyone involved. This focus is the distinctive strength and power of When Every Word Counts because it unveils a side of law enforcement and crisis/hostage negotiation that people outside the profession generally know little of and rarely see.

Fight or Flight - Negotiating Crisis on the Front Line
Author: Dr. Andy T. Young
Join Dr. Andy Young on an “up close and personal” journey into the world of crisis intervention. Experience a 360-degree panorama of hostage situations, and victim services work from the vantage points of SWAT teams, police, victims, the bad guys, and the specially trained mental health professionals who help save lives and bring relief to the extreme distress that comes with the trauma of crisis.
Aside from the drama, danger, tension, and terror of crisis situations, the crux of this book is a profound and deeply human story of real people and real stories—perpetrators, victims, law enforcement, and families—and the very real challenges they face in dealing with the emotional and psychological trauma of crisis situations. It is also a story of the dedicated crisis negotiators and counselors who devote countless hours to helping those traumatized by tragedy navigate safely through some of the worst experiences of their lives. Supremely, it is a story of courage and compassion, rescue and restoration for victims, families, and law enforcement alike.
Dr. Young’s book brings long overdue and well-deserved honor to the people who risk their lives regularly, not only for public safety, but also for the often-underestimated value of the mental wellbeing of everyone involved.

David West
David West CFEI, KLEC, Police Instructor, Electrical Specialist, is a retired Detective with the Kentucky State Police, Specializing in Arson Investigations, Fire Scene Evidence Recovery, Fire Related Deaths Investigations, and Electrical Fire Analysis for the past 25 plus years. Mr. West Career began in the Electrical field in the late 1970s as an Electrical Contractor after attending Technical College, he then became a State Certified Electrical Inspector, and used this Electrical background to join the Kentucky State Police Arson Division, examining Electrical Systems on Arson Complaints as Alternative hypotheses. He became a police instructor in these topics and taught at the Police Academy. In April of 2023, he released a new book titled; Electrical Fire Analysis, Failure Mechanisms that Cause Fires, which is a valuable asset to anyone examining power system on a fire scene. His expertise has assisted State and Federal Agencies on fire scenes, Examining Electrical Wiring Systems for code compliance, during conducting a Failure Mechanism Analysis, and generating official reports. He has testified as an expert witness, in State and Federal Cases throughout his career and since retiring.

Electrical Fire Analysis: Failure Mechanisms That Cause Fires
Author: David West
Electrical Fire Analysis: Failure Mechanisms That Cause Fires is a book intended to provide an understanding of electricity for the fire analyst. The author investigates scene analysis through real incidents and uses code knowledge to provide an understanding of the standard of installation that helps him determine a failure mechanism that led to a fire. This book is relevant to anyone assigned the task of public or private investigation of fire scenes involving electrical power. The reader will take away new knowledge of wiring, failure mechanisms, and an understanding of limitations after reading this informative text written by a thirty-five-year Electrical Fire Analysis expert.

Police Misconduct: A Practitioner's Guide to Section 1983
Author: Wayne Beyer
Police Misconduct: A Practitioner’s Guide to Section 1983 is written by a practitioner for practitioners, including your legal advisors and civil defense attorneys. It combines 18 substantive chapters covering the law with 12 on practice in over 1,500 pages. The first 18 chapters cover both high frequency and high exposure cases: Fourth Amendment searches, arrests, deadly and non-deadly force; Fourteenth Amendment duty of protection; First Amendment; individual, supervisory, and municipal liability; qualified immunity; claims against state and federal officials; procedural defenses; damages; and common law claims and defenses that are counterparts to § 1983. The 12 practice chapters begin with an investigation, representation, and initial pleadings; discovery in-depth; motions practice, including dispositive motions and motions in limine; and dozens of evidentiary issues in alphabetical order for quick reference. Using hypothetical fact patterns, chapters cover the trial, with tips on jury selection, opening and closing, the order of witnesses and pattern examinations, how to handle the qualified immunity issue at trial, jury instructions, special verdict forms, post-trial motions, and attorney’s fee awards for prevailing plaintiffs -- all with checklists, practice tips, and dozens of forms.
With free annual supplements that update Supreme Court decisions, developments in the law, and the latest thinking from police organizations, this is the only book your lawyers will need for a successful police misconduct defense practice.
Use code PATC20 for 20% off your purchase of Police Miscounduct: A Practitioner's Guide to Section 1983