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mEET OUR Faculty
Aaron SlaterAaron Slater started his career in 1998 and has held positions as an FTO, Detective, Undercover Narcotics, Sergeant, and Lieutenant. He has earned a B.S. in Organizational Leadership, a M.S. in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, and is a graduate of LEMIT Leadership Command College. Aaron was a Lieutenant and division commander for the Rosenberg Police Department in Texas, with an array of police experience and education. Specifically, he was a pioneer in the use of social media strategies for law enforcement, as he was the creator of the Rosenberg Police Department’s Facebook page, which became the fifth most followed municipal police agency page in the nation. He is most well-known for his innovative and progressive philosophies, taking police agencies toward the future of policing. Aaron Slater’s work in social media has reached and been featured in many national news outlets such as: People Magazine, Fox and Friends, Huffington Post, PoliceOne, Queen Latifah, Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, The Washington Post, and many more. He has been awarded for his use in social media for law enforcement. Since leaving law enforcement full-time, he has taught hundreds of agencies and thousands of officers in the strategies of successful community policing and creating a social media program. His experience and strategies using social media has expanded, as he is the owner and founder of ReLEntless Defender Apparel, the largest online LEO themed apparel company in the nation. He has designed this course to be a turnkey social media program for any size agency.
Allen AshbyAllen Ashby is a Sergeant serving as the Collision Reconstruction Program Manager for the Idaho State Police. Allen has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and started his law enforcement career in 2000. Allen is an accredited Crash Reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR). As part of his duties at ISP, Allen also investigates and reconstructs serious injury and fatality collisions that occur across Idaho and works with Idaho’s Region 1 Critical Incident Task Force assisting in processing, interpreting, measuring, and diagramming nearly all major crime scene investigations in northern Idaho. Allen is qualified as an expert witness in various collision reconstruction subjects and has testified throughout Idaho on various crash-related topics. Allen is certified as an Idaho P.O.S.T. instructor for various crash-related disciplines and instructs Basic Collision Investigation through Advanced/Reconstruction topics for ISP, allied Idaho agencies, Idaho P.O.S.T., and North Idaho College.
Dr. Andrew YoungDr. Andy Young is a retired Professor of Psychology and Counseling after 26 years from Lubbock Christian University where he started 1996, and has been a negotiator and psychological consultant with the Lubbock Police Department’s SWAT/Negotiator team since 2000. He has been on the negotiating team at the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office since 2008 and is on the team at the Texas Department of Public Safety (Texas Rangers, Special Operations, Region 5). He is the author of, "Fight or Flight: Negotiating Crisis on the Frontline" and "When Every Word Counts: An Insider’s View of Crisis Negotiations." He was recently added as a third author for the 6th Edition of "Crisis Negotiations: Managing Critical Incidents and Hostage Situations in Law Enforcement and Corrections”. He has spoken internationally at law enforcement and hostage negotiator conferences since 2014 and has had his research and writings on negotiations widely published.
Angela WeekesCpl. Angela Weekes began her career with the Nampa Police Department in 1994. She has served the City of Nampa in several difference capacities including: Patrol, School Resource Officer, DARE officer, and Child Abuse investigator. She is currently assigned as a Corporal in the Crimes against Person’s Unit in the investigation’s division. Angela served as a member of the Canyon County Multidisciplinary Team of Child Abuse, the Canyon County SART and the Canyon County Child Death Review team. Angela is a certified FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) instructor in Domestic Violence. She is certified by Idaho POST (Peace Officer’s Standards and Training) academy in the area of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault as well as for the Idaho Coalition on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. She also has instructed at the International Family Justice Center Conference. She also serves as faculty with the International Chiefs of Police Association. Angela is the visionary component of the Nampa Family Justice Center. Nampa was recently recognized for their efforts in this field by their selection as a model site to develop Family Justice Centers. They are one of fifteen sites selected across the nation. She has also led the Nampa Police Departments participation in the International Association of Chiefs of Police Integrity, Action and Justice: Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence Demonstration Initiative. They are one of six law enforcement agencies across the county to take part in the initiative. She has received the Idaho Council on Domestic Violence’s Law Enforcement Silver Star Award, the God and Country Rally’s Outstanding Public Service Award, the Nampa Valley Grange and State of Idaho Grange Outstanding Service as a Victim’s Rights Advocate as well as the Idaho Press Tribune’s IPT 103 club award recognizing individuals making contributions to their community. She also received the Idaho Victim Witness Association 2012 Victims Services Award. In 2014 she received the Outstanding Service to Victims of Family Violence Award from the Nampa Family Justice Center.
Bob ShafferSargent Bob Shaffer has been a police officer and sergeant for the Loveland Police Department in Loveland, Colorado since 1986. Sgt. Shaffer has completed over 200 hours of basic, advanced, and advanced mentoring instruction in modern statement analysis techniques. He has been providing quality classroom training in statement analysis since 1997 throughout the U.S., Canada, the Asian Pacific, the Middle East and Mexico His LSAT skills are often solicited by law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S. in the course of their criminal investigations. Bob earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education from the University of Northern Colorado in 1981. He spent six years teaching at the high school and junior college levels in addition to instructing law enforcement related topics extensively in local Colorado police academy programs and been featured as a guest speaker and numerous professional investigation conventions in the United States. He is a member of the teaching staff of P.A.T.C., (the Public Agency Training Council), the Ohio Police Officer Training Academy in London OH, and is a member of the National Association of Investigative Specialists.
Brandon PierpointBrandon Pierpoint is a Sergeant Investigator with the Lubbock CountySheriff’s Office and has been serving his community for the last twenty years. Brandon attended Baylor University and South Plains College, where he received an Associates Degree in Law enforcement Technology. Since the start of his career in law enforcement Brandon has served in various capacities,such as the jail division, court division and the patrol division. Within the jail division, Brandon was a member of the Detention Response Team, support services, and classification. Brandon served in court room security for high profile trials and provided a secure environment for court operations. Brandon has since transferred from the patrol division to the criminal investigations division where he is currently assigned. Brandon became involved in hostage negotiations in 2003 and has spear headed the push for more training within this team. He is a goal oriented officer who is never satisfied with his training and knowledge and strives for excellence. Brandon is currently the team leader of the Sheriff’s Office Crisis Negotiations Team. In 2002 Brandon was bestowed with the life saving award for preventing an in-custody suicide attempt. Brandon is a TCOLE instructor, Mental Health Peace Officer, Firearms Instructor, and holds a Master Peace Officer Certificate. As of 2007, Brandon was appointed as the new region six director of training and was elected as President of the Texas Association of Hostage Negotiators in 2015. Brandon served as an advisor on the board of directors until 2021.
Brian JarvisBrian J. Jarvis is a police professional with over thirty years of experience in law enforcement and investigations who retired in 2008 at the rank of Chief of Police. Chief Jarvis began his law enforcement career in 1978 with the Town of Newburgh (NY) Police Department. Shortly after graduating from the Rockland County Police Academy, he was assigned to the Patrol Division. Chief Jarvis later relocated in the State of Florida and became a sworn deputy with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in Ocala, FL. While in Marion County, Chief Jarvis served as a Patrol Deputy, Criminal Investigator, Sergeant and Major Crimes Supervisor. During his time working in Major Crimes, Chief Jarvis was responsible for the investigation and supervision of Major Crime Scenes which include, but are not limited to homicides, sexual assaults, kidnappings, armed robberies, bank robberies, home invasions, car jackings, aircraft crashes, train / pedestrian fatalities,suicides, child abuse and neglect, and officer involved shootings involving death. In addition to major crimes, Chief Jarvis has been assigned to investigative units that were responsible for the investigation of property crimes, such as auto thefts, larcenies and burglaries, and white-collar crimes, including forgery, fraud, embezzlement, bribery and extortion. Chief Jarvis returned to the State of New York and assumed the position of Chief of Police for the Town of Chester until his retirement in 2008. Chief Jarvis holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Systems from the University of Phoenix and attended the Associates of Arts program in Criminal Justice at Central Florida Community College. He has also attended several courses on Major Crime Investigations, including Practical HomicideInvestigation and Sex Crime Investigations offered by the University of North Florida, and Basic and Advanced Computer Crime Investigations offered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Organized Crime Institute. Chief Jarvis has also been a member of the International Association of Chiefs’ of Police (IACP), New York State Police Juvenile Officer’s Association, Mid-HudsonCrime Prevention Association, NYS Association of Chiefs’ of Police, Past President of the Police Chiefs’ Association of Orange County, and a foundingmember of the Orange County Law Enforcement Training Institute. He has also been a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA). Additionally, Chief Jarvis also served as a liaison for the National Institute of Health assisting on a study of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse and worked closely with the Rape Crisis-Spouse Abuse Center in Ocala Florida. He also participated in a four-year project to research police records management systems in North America. Chief Jarvis is a published author and currently instructs on a national level for Public Agency Training Council (PATC). He is a pilot and volunteers for Angel Flight Southeast.
Bryan SprankleBryan C. Sprankle was born and raised in Granite City, IL. In 1988, Bryan joined the Marine Corps, and after completing various schools, he reported to Marine Corps Security Forces Company, Panama where he participated in Operation Just Cause. In 1992 Bryan entered the Marine Corps Reserve and attended Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Upon graduation, Bryan was selected to attend Marine Corps Officers Candidate School. In 1998, Bryan reported to 2nd Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Battalion, Cherry Point, NC for duty as a Platoon Commander. Ironically, Bryan’s first introduction to drones was their use as targets, and his task then was to shoot them down with Stinger missiles! Bryan was ordered to Marine Tactical Air Control Squadron-28 Cherry Point, NC in 2005 for duty as an Aviation Close Battle Coordinator and deployed in this capacity to Operation Iraqi Freedom 04-06. In 2006 he was assigned to II Marine Expeditionary Force to serve as the Airspace Planner in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08 where he personally managed the airspace for western Iraq. In these roles, Bryan gained critical knowledge and insight into airspace, aviation systems and aviation command and control. In 2008 he was ordered to Quantico, VA to serve as an operational planner and supported support numerous operations to include a deployment in this capacity in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). In 2014, Bryan retired from the Marine Corps at the rank of Major (O-4) after 24 years of service, and moved to the Shreveport, LA area where he was hired by the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office. He graduated his police academy class as the Class Honor Graduate and Class President. Bryan was selected to join the Bossier Sheriff’s Office Drone Unit in 2017 and has served as a drone pilot flying numerous missions in support of law enforcement operations. In 2019 he was promoted and selected to lead the Bossier Sheriff’s Office Drone Unit. In this role, he has made great strides in the development and training of his team of five pilots. In 2020 he obtained his commercial 14CFR Part 107 Commercial Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) pilot license and began to fly commercial drone flights in his free time. Bryan has seen firsthand the usefulness of drones in a variety of applications in the military, public, and private sectors. With his extensive and unique background in aviation, planning, training, consultation, and law enforcement he created Insight Drone Services, LLC to bring these new cutting-edge technologies to government agencies. Through Insight Drone Services Bryan has trained multiple public agencies in Louisiana and has become a regional subject matter expert in the field of UASs. Additionally, Bryan recently completed a new publication, “Drones Operations for Public Agencies” which is positioned to be the gold standard publication for use in public agency drone operations. In 2023, Bryan was hired by the Public Agency Training Council and is excited to share his “Drone Operations for Public Agencies” course to public agencies nationwide.
Charles Braun IICharles N. Braun, II (JD, Indiana University School of Law — Indianapolis — 1977) is admitted to practice before all of the federal and state courts of Indiana as well as before the U. S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, IL and the U.S. Supreme Court. A former Deputy Attorney General for the State of Indiana (where for nearly a decade he represented all of the statelevel criminal justice agencies), Mr. Braun has also worked for the American Bar Association, the U.S. Department of Justice, and he is a graduate of the F.B.I. National Academy for police legal advisors. Mr. Braun maintains a private law practice, is an author of criminal justice books, is a frequent speaker at seminars/programs for public/private sector groups and employees, and has personally trained the majority of all Indiana based law enforcement officers through his position for 29 years as the Staff Attorney and Law Instructor at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. Furthermore he serves as an expert witness in both federal and state court regarding a variety of criminal justice issues and has been an adjunct faculty member for a variety of colleges and universities over the years. Mr. Braun also enjoys producing and hosting the longest running (36 years plus) legal talk show on radio in America today, Legally Speaking which airs on radio station WICR (FM 88.7) out of Indianapolis. He also serves as the official re-enactor for Pres. Benjamin Harrison (Indiana’s only elected President) at his historic home here in Indianapolis. Mr. Braun and his wife, Elizabeth (an RN who serves as a legal nurse consultant) are avid travelers and photographers.
Darryl RiversDarryl L. Rivers is a national human behaviors, communication, and leadership speaker and trainer. To accompany his 24 years of government service in both the U.S. Military and as a Law Enforcement professional, he is a psychology major with multiple certifications in human behavioral analytics, emotional intelligence, neuro-linguistic programming, accelerated learning, and he is a communications and body language expert. He has extensive policing, street investigations, UC/Surveillance, and felony apprehension experience from his time with the Detroit Police Department. His law enforcement experience was extended in the State of Arizona were he functioned as a Detective, a Sergeant, a Lead Special Agent of the States Tobacco Enforcement Unit (Office of The Attorney General), and a Hostage Negotiator. After his retirement from Law Enforcement, Darryl started his own speaking and training business called “The L.E.A.D. Company.” One of the assignments he has been revered for is his work with the Arizona Department of Economic Security. There Darryl was contracted to engineer the creation of an internal security unit. He was hired to recruit, interview, hire, train, create policy, and supervise the statewide unit covering over 200 individual locations, while maintaining his other clients from all across the nation. Darryl has established himself as a sought after public speaker and trainer in both government and business circles. He is an Executive Director with the worlds largest leadership training company, “The John Maxwell Team,” and is mentored by John Maxwell himself. He has a unique, humorous, yet intellectual delivery to his trainings that puts him in high demand across the nation. He is a highly decorated professional with multiple award to include: Officer of the Year, Life Saving, multiple Meritorious Citations, Multiple Letters of Commendation, Chiefs Excellence Award, Spirit of Detroit Award, and The Police Cross for being injured in the line of duty. To top it off, he received the departments highest honor, The Medal of Valor for rescuing eleven hostages. He is a dynamic presenter, but most importantly he is a cops, cop!
David WestDavid West, CFEI / KLEC Police Instructor, is a Retired Detective, with the Kentucky State Police, specializing in Arson Investigation and Electrical Fire Analysis for the past 25 years. Mr. West’s career began in the Electrical trade as a Contractor, he then became a State Certified Electrical Inspector, and used this electrical background to join the Kentucky State Police Arson Division examining electrical failures on fire scenes. He became a Police instructor, specializing in Electrical Fires and Fire Related Deaths, at the State Police Academy. His expertise has assisted State and Federal Agencies in examining electrical wiring systems, generating official reports, and testifying as an expert witness in cases.
Don HaleyDon Haley Professor Don V. Haley runs the Criminal Justice program at Tidewater Community College’s Virginia Beach Campus. Professor Haley’s ability to combine theory with practicality arises from his vast educational and work experience in the areas of law enforcement. Professor Haley’s educational background consists of a BA in Criminology (Cum Laude) from Saint Leo College, an MPA in Justice Administration (4.0 GPA) from Troy State University, as well as other post graduate research methods courses. Don Haley is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He also served as a correctional officer at Saint Brides Correctional Institute, a Virginia Beach deputy sheriff, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach police officer, and Virginia Beach police detective. In 1995, Don received the “Detective of the Year Award” for the 4th precinct, with the Virginia Beach Police Department. Don served as an adjunct professor at Virginia Wesleyan College from 1997-2008 in their criminal justice program. Don was “Voir dired” as an expert witness on a capital murder case in the 34th Judicial District Court in El Paso, Texas in 2008. Professor Haley’s law enforcement recognitions include the “Chamber of Commerce” award, Drug Enforcement Incentive Award, two Class Act awards, two Star Performer awards, and others. Professor Haley works contractually with theDistance Education Accrediting Commission, serving as a subject matter expert in criminal justice. Professor Haley has researched and taught college students, law enforcement agencies, military personnel, business corporations, NCAA college athletes, and medical personnel in the latest advancements in the areas of neuroscience, brain chemistry, and psychology. Professor Haley reveals significant insight into the brain and its impact on behavior and cognitive functions in human beings.
Dr. E. Beverly YoungDr. E. Beverly Young (ebevdoc), is a practitioner specializing in designing curriculum for police, law enforcement, instructor and professional development courses with human and interpersonal relations skills as the principal emphasis. Her development approach introduces learners to research and contemporary practices relating to 21st century policing issues. She is retired from the Pennsylvania State Police where she served in a civilian capacity for the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. Following retirement in the capacity of independent contractor, EBevDoc completed a team project to overhaul the police academy curriculum requested by the Massachusetts Police Training Commission. An additional project effort found EBevDoc as a consulting team member contracted to look at issues concerning profiling, diversity and policy. Dr. Young holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Adult Education Leadership from Walden University and continues research related activities to stay current as an adult education practitioner, consultant and social change agent. Her experience repertoire includes: •More than two decades of service as a municipal police officer and commander for the Temple University Police Department (Philadelphia, PA) to include certification under the Municipal Police Education and Training Act (Act 120) as a police officer and instructor •Police Training Education Specialist for the Municipal Police Officers’ Education & Training Commission (MPOETC) in Harrisburg •Administrative Officer for MPOETC •Right-to-Know Law Liaison and Subpoena Coordinator for the Commission •Adjunct faculty teaching experience •Police Academy Graduation speaker •Mentoring, advisory board membership and public speaking
Eric DiLorenzoCaptain Eric DiLorenzo has been with the Myrtle Beach Police Department for over 21 years and currently serves as the Patrol Division Commander and Police Department Liaison for Emergency Management. He has conducted extensive research and provided training related to Active Shooter related topics since 1999 to over 15,000 people. Capt. Di Lorenzo has created numerous Active Shooter plans for business and schools that includes protocols for before, during and after an incident. In 2008, Capt. Di Lorenzo became a member of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Assistance Program (SCLEAP) which remains very active in. SCLEAP recently deployed Capt. Di Lorenzo to Florence South Carolina to offer peer support after a Mass Shooting to which two Law Enforcement Officers were killed in the line of duty. Captain Di Lorenzo is a graduate of Georgetown University’s (Washington DC) Executive Master’s Degree in Emergency and Disaster Management where his thesis was studying the impact on officers who have responded to Mass Shootings. In addition to recently been appointed as Adjunct Faculty at Georgetown University, he has attended the 268th Session of the FBI National Academy and serves as an instructor in multiple disciplines. He is certified by ALERRT in Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events and Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) as an Active Shooter Response instructor.
Gary BillsGary D. Bills is retired from active Law Enforcement after 29 years of service, 22 with the Dallas /Fort Worth International Airport Police Department. During his career in Law Enforcement, Gary has worked Patrol, Undercover Narcotics Investigations, Criminal Investigations, Solo Motors, SWAT/Tactical, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal. He retired as Lieutenant with the Special Operations Division over EOD and Explosives Detection Canines. Gary is a certified Hazardous Devices Technician and was the Bomb Squad Commander for DFW Airport Bomb Squad. Gary has training in Advanced Explosives Disposal Techniques, Home Made Explosives, Large Vehicle Counter Measures, and Electronic Counter Measures. Gary holds a Master Peace Officer Certification for the State of Texas and an Instructor Certification from Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. He has worked internationally with several military units for the United States and NATO teaching Counter IED recognition. Gary has a Bachelors Degree in Biology from Tarleton State University and a Master of Science Degree in Human Relations and Business from Amberton University. Gary also attended the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA, session 241. Gary is married and he and wife Vickey live in Texas where he is also active in American Karate and teaches classes in Karate and self defense.
George PerezGeorge A. Perez, is an active law enforcement executive within the eight largest police agency in the country. He has served the community of Miami-Dade, Florida for over 22 years as a police professional. George has risen through the ranks of his department and has worked and commanded the Internal Affairs unit which consists of administrative, criminal and public corruption sections. His experiences have also included overseeing compliance for the department, which include the training institute, legal bureau, employee wellness, cyber investigations sections as well as jail/police accountability operations. George is also routinely responsible for instructing internal affairs investigations for the State of Florida. He possesses a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management and enjoys a robust professional and practical background in law enforcement management and criminal investigations. His knowledge and experience is derived from assignments, which have included police services, general and and major crimes investigations such as Person and Property investigations, Internal Affairs, Robbery, Homicide, and executive leadership training programs. George is a bilingual instructor and is sought after to instruct several investigative and command level subjects. He utilizes a dynamic approach to instruction that includes student participation and critical thinking problem solving methods relative to today’s law enforcement professional. As an active law enforcement officer, George understands the operational realities and demands of today’s police officers.
Greg GoltzGreg Goltz is a 33 year veteran State Trooper. He is the instructor for his agency in Criminal Interdiction/Patrolling and has instructed Criminal Interdiction/Patrolling to thousands of law enforcement officers and their agencies from all over the United States. Greg is a veteran Police Service Dog handler, Firearms Instructor and Troop C Team Leader for SWAT. He also worked very successfully in undercover operations purchasing illegal drugs of all kinds. While working in the Uniform Division he has seized millions of dollars in United States currency and literally thousands of pounds of contraband all while making normal traffic stops that he turned into Criminal Interdiction arrests. He created his own corporate business known as CRIMINALaddiction Inc. and now travels all over the United States putting on seminars about these topics of: Criminal/Drug Interdiction Techniques. and Concealment Locations and Hidden Compartments and Other areas of Concealment. He is a declared Expert witness in both the State and Federal court systems and actively testifies about this subject matter. He has received numerous awards for his Interdiction efforts and the training he provides, and currently has several “record size” seizures. He also has made presentations about this subject matter to several Governors. Greg is also responsible for very important case law that better enables officers to do this work including the now important United States v. Morgan, Walker, Jones. He still works the road in the Uniform Division and still actively pursues these criminals during his everyday encounters. He also still works with other officers who have had tremendous success using these techniques. Join him, as he wants to spread his knowledge of catching “bad guys” and learn firsthand from individuals who are out there every day working the “ins and outs” of criminal interdiction.
Jack CambriaJack Cambria is a recently retired member of the New York City Police Department who has contributed 33 ½ years of exemplary service. He has served for 16 years in the Emergency Service Unit (ESU), whose primary focus is to provide Rescue, Tactical (SWAT), and Counter-Terrorism services to the City of New York. He was assigned to ESU in the ranks of Police Officer, Sergeant and Lieutenant. He has extensive experience and certifications in all facets of these operations, and is a New York State Certified Police Instructor. He holds numerous awards for bravery and dedicated service. He has responded to and served on many high profile assignments such as both World Trade Center disasters, plane crashes, and a variety of hostage and barricade situations, particularly violent and suicidal individuals. He also served as the Rescue Team Manager on the FEMA-Urban Search and Rescue Task Force. Because of his solid foundation of achievements, Jack was assigned to command the agencies elite Hostage Negotiation Team for the last fourteen-years of his career. His duties consisted of coordinating the efforts of over 100 negotiators, who responded throughout New York City to all hostage related assignments. He was responsible for the training and certification of all new negotiators and refresher training of all of the current members of the team. Jack has and continues conducting in-service training for many international, federal, state and local law enforcement and corporate agencies. In 2006, he and two selected members of his team were dispatched to the U.S. Military Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to conduct hostage negotiation training for members of the United States Joint Task Force. He has also served as a technical consultant in the entertainment industry, where he advised on the major motion pictures, ‘The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3,’ ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit,’ and ‘The Amazing Spiderman II;’ additionally for the television series, ‘Life on Mars,’ ‘Blue Bloods,’ ‘Unforgettable,’ ‘Elementary,’ and ‘The Mysteries of Laura.’ Jack has authored several scholarly articles on negotiations and has achieved his Masters Degree in Criminal Justice. He has served as an adjunct professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) and the Empire State College (SUNY) in New York City.
James "Randy" Merriman"James (Randy) Merriman is a career Law Enforcement officer with a background as a Special Agent with an elite Texas Governors narcotic enforcement unit. Randy is a certified as a Texas Law Enforcement Instructor and holds certifications ranging from Basic to Master level. He is recognized by the US DOD as an Awareness, Human Behavior Analysis (HBA) and Tracking Subject Matter Expert and has an outstanding reputation for the delivery of high quality training to various U.S. Department of Defense organizations and US Allies. RANDY has also developed awareness courses and delivered training to multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Randy has provided awareness courses in support of all branches of the US military and Special Forces communities. He has provided Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) awareness programs to the US Navy EOD Training and Evaluation Units and has provided services as the course developer and instructor for the Advanced Situational Awareness (ASA) program at the US Army’s Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) at Ft Benning Georgia. He has delivered awareness and tracking programs to the USMC Snipers and was program developer and subject matter expert for the USMC “Combat Hunter” program. He has taught these programs to elite Military Units such as the British SAS, 3 Para, Royal Marines, Royal Tank Regiment, and has served as an instructor for the elite British Jungle Warfare Training facility in Brunei. He has trained Canadian Special Forces, Danish Frogmen Corp, Danish Jaegers, Danish EOD Engineers and the Dutch Royal Marines in their respected countries and around the globe in Awareness, HBA, C-IED and Tracking skill sets.
Jeff GermanJeffrey German is a Detective with the City of Joliet, Illinois Police Department. Detective German has over 20 years’ experience as a Police Officer and over 8 years’ experience as a Detective and an Investigator for the Will/Grundy Major Crimes Task Force. Detective German is currently tasked with High-Tech Criminal Investigations for the Joliet Police Department Investigations Division where his duties are cell phone forensics, video forensics, major crimes investigations, and Geolocation analysis of mobile devices. Detective German is a subject matter expert in Call Detail Records and Geolocation Analysis and a LEVA Certified Forensic Video Technician. He is a Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner and a Magnet Certified Forensic Examiner. Detective German was awarded the VFW Officer of the Year award for 2009 and 2013. He was also awarded the State of Illinois VFW Officer of the Year in 2013. Detective German is the owner of Hi-Tech Investigations LLC which provides training to Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Corporate Security Personnel. Detective German is an Adjunct Faculty Instructor for the College of DuPage Homeland Security Training Institute and a Contract Trainer for the Public Agency Training Center (PATC) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
John KempfJohn Kempf is currently a Captain and District Commander of The Idaho State Police District One office located in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. John began his career as a Trooper with the Idaho State Police in 1997 and was promoted to Detective in 2000 where his primary focus was narcotics investigations. As a Detective John lead and participated in hundreds of narcotic cases ranging from street level investigations to complex conspiracy and federal wire tape cases. In 2008 John was promoted to Sergeant and supervised a narcotics unit whose primary focus is mid to upper-level drug traffickers. In 2014 John was promoted to Detective Lieutenant where he managed a unit whose caseloads included major narcotics cases, Officer-Involved Shootings /Critical Incidents, Homicides and Professional Standards Investigations. John is a member of the National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies and the coordinator for Idaho of the Domestic Highway Enforcement program. John has been called to testify in Federal Court as an expert witness on drug investigations and is one of the lead instructors and organizers of the Idaho Basic Narcotics Officers Course. John has received numerous accolades for his law enforcement efforts including a U.S. Department of Justice Award for Public Service, Certificate of Merit from the Governor of Idaho and Outstanding Supervisor award from the Idaho State Police. John has also been awarded the Idaho State Police Silver Star and the Idaho Medal of Honor for Bravery. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Delaware Valley University in Criminal Justice Administration and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.
Joseph "Joe" Willis"Joseph Willis (retired) is a 25 year veteran of the Keene (NH) Police Department. He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree magna cum laude from Franklin Pierce University. He is both a national instructor and an auditor in the property and evidence management field. He is a certified instructor through NHPS&T. While assigned as the department property and evidence officer, he was an integral member of the team to achieve CALEA recognition and certification for accreditation. Until his retirement he was the team leader for both the Collision Analysis and Hostage Negotiation units. Among many of his assignments, he served as a Juvenile Detective/Prosecutor, Major Crimes Detective, Platoon Case Manager, Undercover Narcotics Detective for the NH Attorney Generals Drug Task Force and finally as the Property and Evidence Manager. He is a member of the International Association for Property and Evidence, New England Association for Crisis Negotiators and President of NH Property and Evidence Room Management Professionals.
Kathryn MarshKathryn Marsh is a career prosecutor of seventeen years and presently serves as Special Counsel, Assistant Chief of the Special Victims Family Violence Unit and Legislative & Co-Chair for the State’s Attorney’s Office in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Ms. Marsh began her prosecutorial career in Calvert County Maryland, she worked in every division in the Calvert County office before becoming the Deputy State’s Attorney. For the last twelve years Ms. Marsh has specialized in the child abuse and sexual assault cases. Mrs. Marsh also functions as professional trainer for Assistant State’s Attorneys and staff, as well as for law enforcement, community organizations, State organizations and other legal professionals. She serves on several National and State Task Forces and has been asked to assist in drafting legislation and has been called on to testify on behalf of criminal legislation before the Maryland legislature for a number of years. Ms. Marsh also worked as an adjunct professor of Criminal Law for the University of Maryland University Campus from 2009-2019. In addition to her work with the in the criminal law field, Ms. Marsh also serves on many community boards. She is currently the President of the Optimists of Calvert County, Treasurer of the Calvert Commission for Women and sits on the Board of Directors for the Library Foundation of Calvert County and the Board for Reading Camp Calvert. Mrs. Marsh has been recognized for her work with children and sexual assault prosecution numerous times, she was named one of Maryland’s Top 100 women in 2019, received the Champion of Children award in 2018 and, and received the Respect for Law Prosecutor of the Year award in 2012.
Kedrick WillsColonel Kedrick Wills joined the Idaho State Police in 1996. Since his completion of the ISP Academy’s Advanced Training Class #15, he has served in a variety of positions with increasing leadership responsibility. In 2017, Colonel Wills was assigned to serve as the Director of the Idaho State Police. He is a graduate of the Naval Post Graduate School of Homeland Security Executive Leaders Program and the 232nd Session of the FBI National Academy. He holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Training and Development degrees from Idaho State University (Go Bengals!). Colonel Wills has been an adjunct faculty member at the university level as well as an international instructor. He is passionate about leadership and organizational culture.
Dr. Lisa GrossmanLisa E. Grossman, Ph.D., ATC, BCB Lisa Grossman is an expert in peak performance training and mental skills development with extensive experience working with military and law enforcement agencies, healthcare providers, combat/wounded veterans, corporate executives, and professional athletes. In addition to providing training and consulting services through private practice in Jacksonville FL, Dr. Grossman serves as an adjunct faculty member at St. Johns River State College’s Criminal Justice Academy. As an instructor, she teaches FDLE advanced courses in Stress Management and Responding to Veterans to law enforcement officers from around the state as well as oversees the health and wellness curriculum development and instructor certification. She has served as the Peak Performance Center Director at Wounded Warrior Project’s TRACK Program where she provided mental skills training to wounded veterans transitioning into civilian life while combatting PTSD, TBI, and other injuries sustained. Over the years, she has offered her knowledge and expertise in biofeedback training to develop educational and training protocols for the US Army’s Center for Enhanced Performance as well as for a biofeedback company where she is currently serving as the Clinical Program Director. Lisa Grossman was awarded a Doctoral Degree in Educational Psychology from Florida State University where she specialized in Performance Psychology, is a Board Certified Athletic Trainer with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and is Board Certified in Biofeedback by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance. Dr. Grossman’s work targets the core of self-awareness and self-regulation, helping each client develop and enhance themselves in order to perform optimally in any environment, despite any challenges they may face.
Mark KollarMark Kollar currently serves as a special agent supervisor for a state-level criminal investigative agency. In that capacity, he commands the Major Crimes Division, Special Investigations Unit for one-quarter of the state. The special agents he supervises conduct high-profile criminal investigations including: officer-involved shootings, homicides, serial crimes, public official corruption, sexual assaults, and large-scale financial crimes. In his over 25 year law enforcement career, he has served in multiple capacities to include: patrol, narcotics, crime scene, detective bureau, and in various supervisory roles. He has an associate degree from Hocking College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Ohio University. Additionally, he is an author who has written several books and is a regular contributor to PoliceOne and other law enforcement publications. The Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission has awarded Mark the designations of “Master Criminal Investigator” and “Master Evidence Technician” based upon the successful completion of specialized courses of study in those areas. He has additionally received multiple commendations and honors for the cases he has been involved with, including the Ohio Attorney General’s Distinguished Law Enforcement Group Achievement Award on multiple occasions. He has lectured extensively to audiences from 8 countries in the areas of officer-involved shooting and homicide investigation, public corruption, and other topics such as “Management of Multi-Fatality Crimes Scenes” during a FBI National Academy Associates retrainer. Mark is married with two daughters, both currently in college. He is a licensed private airplane pilot and enjoys alpine mountaineering, running, skiing, and woodworking (primarily making fountain pens). In addition to his primary career, he also owns two small businesses and is in the process of completing his third book.
Melissa MaranvilleMelissa Maranville is the Founder/CEO of DeVille and Associates, a public safety training agency located in Knoxville, TN, where she has been researching and developing law enforcement education and training content focusing on topics such as human and sex trafficking, and cryptocurrency and the dark web. Melissa comes with over 25 years’ law enforcement experience in educating, training, development, presenting, and lecturing. A former law enforcement officer, Melissa is experienced in crime scene investigation and time-since-death, as well as a former criminal justice and criminology college professor. In 2000, Melissa assisted in training and educating the FBI’s Evidence Response Team in crime scene collection of human remains at the University of Tennessee’s Forensic Anthropological Research Facility, the Body Farm. It is here where Melissa began her career path and passion of becoming an expert on human/sex trafficking and sex crimes working alongside Dr. Bill Bass. Since then, Melissa has become an avid speaker and trainer for police academies, educating on human and sex trafficking and how to identify trafficking during routine traffic stops and investigations. On several occasions, Melissa was invited to speak and present at the Department of Homeland Security’s training division in Emmitsburg, Maryland on Mass Fatalities and Counter Terrorism; as well as the College of Forensic Psychology on expert witness courtroom testimony regarding Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, in San Diego, California. In addition, Melissa has completed training at the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, The University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and The University of North Carolina. During Melissa’s college professor days, she researched, developed and taught many courses in criminal justice, criminology, victimology, mass fatalities, terrorism, and organized crime. It was during this time that Melissa developed a passion for understanding the criminal mind focusing on organized crimes that fund terrorism, such as human and sex trafficking. In understanding the Future of the Criminal Mind, Melissa began developing content and training programs in Cryptocurrency and the Dark Web for an INTERPOL training initiative, including webinars with the first of its kind to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. Melissa is currently a PhD candidate in Cognitive Psychology at Grand Canyon University, where her research and dissertation has focused on sex crimes and sex offenders in relation to recidivism rates looking at the United States’ sex offender registration program and how to educate law enforcement agencies on reducing repeat offending. Melissa also holds a master’s degree in Public Health and Safety from the University of Tennessee focusing on mass fatalities and terrorism. Lastly, Melissa holds many recognitions, including Psi Chi National Honorary Society, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Recognition of research on “Violence Against Women in the South” from Spellman College, Nominated for Distinguished Faculty Member for five consecutive years, and a Letter of Commendation from Knox County Sheriff’s Dept. Knoxville, Tennessee for dedicated work on sex offender cases in conjunction with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations.
Melissa HoppmeyerMelissa Hoppmeyer is the current Chief of the Special Victims and Family Violence Unit in Prince George’s County, the second largest State’s Attorney’s Office in Maryland. She is an experienced prosecutor with a decade of experience, who has made her career tirelessly advocating for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Ms. Hoppmeyer has assisted in drafting numerous legislative bills and has testified before the Maryland General Assembly on numerous occasions to help implement stronger criminal laws for crimes of violence and to ensure that domestic violence and sexual assault victims are treated fairly throughout the civil and criminal judicial system. This includes most recently, during the 2020 Maryland legislative session lobbying, advocating, editing and testifying on behalf of a change to the first degree assault statute, in order to make strangulation a first degree assault, a felony under Maryland law. This change allowed Maryland to join the 48 other states that categorize strangulation as a felony. Ms. Hoppmeyer also serves as a technical trainer for law enforcement, fellow prosecutors and the community on issues including consent education, sexual assault laws, child abuse investigations and prosecutions, domestic violence, criminal procedure, and how to properly conduct trauma-focused investigations. Ms. Hoppmeyer has trained around the state of Maryland as well as most recently presenting for a National Conference on Sexual Violence on college campuses. Ms. Hoppmeyer has developed, drafted and implemented policies within the State’s Attorney’s Office that provide clear guidelines for how the unit operates, creating an 800 page unit manual that includes operating procedures, sample motions, draft memos as well as highlighting important case law and statutes specifically aimed for the unit. She and Ms. Marsh have also developed processes to address high risk cases. Specifically, developing a High Risk and High Lethality Protocol for all domestic violence cases. Ms. Hoppmeyer also successfully developed a County-wide strangulation protocol that created a unified response to strangulation events and increased successful prosecution of strangulation cases in the office. Ms. Hoppmeyer works as an integral part of the Multi-Discipline team working to obtain accreditation for Prince George’s County’s Child Advocacy Center. Ms. Hoppmeyer has been asked to speak throughout the State of Maryland on issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. Ms. Hoppmeyer developed an educational program called, “Will I be Believed” that is designed to teach the community about the process a victim of sexual assault goes through when he/she reports their sexual assault. Ms. Hoppmeyer serves of several councils and boards including the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee; Domestic Violence Coordinating Council; Sexual Assault Response Team and the Executive Board of the Child Advocacy Center. She is also the Co-Chair of the Criminal section of the Prince George’s County Human Trafficking Task Force. Before her service as a prosecutor, Ms. Hoppmeyer clerked for the Honorable Albert W. Northrop of the Prince George’s County Circuit Court. Ms. Hoppmeyer earned her JD from The George Washington University. While earning her law degree, she worked as a legal assistant with the United States Office of Special Counsel and was actively involved in the Domestic Violence Clinic. Her efforts were recognized with the Community Legal Clinics Volunteer Service Award. Ms. Hoppmeyer lives in Washington DC with her husband, two daughters and two dogs.
Michael "Mike" Halbleib"Michael Halbleib is currently a Lt Colonel with the Bullitt County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit. Michael began his career with the Louisville Police Department in 1992. He was soon promoted to Detective with the Metro Narcotics Major Case Unit. He investigated numerous major case narcotic trafficking organizations and assisted in the prosecution and conviction of several criminal syndicates / conspiracies. Michael was awarded the Louisville Police Officer of the Year in 2000 while in the major case narcotics unit. He was a Field Training Officer and spent 5 years with the Homicide Unit and SWAT. Michael has been teaching in the field of narcotics for the community, police in-service classes and recruit classes for 16 years. Michael was also awarded the Executive Merit Award, the Jefferson County Judge Executive’s Merit Award and nominated for the 2009 & 2010 Bluecoat’s Officer of the Year. Currently Michael is a Lt Colonel and manages a narcotics unit that focuses on mid level and major case cartel investigations. He is also a certified police instructor with the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council and an expert witness for the Jefferson and Bullitt County Commonwealth Attorney’s Offices.
Michael "Mike" Ruggiero"Sergeant Mike Ruggiero has been a deputy and sergeant for the Orange County Sheriff's Office in Orlando, Florida since 1991. Sergeant Ruggiero has over 20 years of investigative experience in sex crimes, internal investigations, and homicide. Sergeant Ruggiero has completed numerous hours of training in the fields of graphology, kinesics and statement analysis. He has provided thousands of hours of advanced training in the fields of investigations, interviewing, and detecting deception through identifying aspects of handwriting, body language, and statement analysis. Sergeant Ruggiero has been involved in the investigation of several hundred homicides as both an investigator and the sergeant of the Homicide Squad. He was involved in the high profile investigations of Caylee Anthony and Markeith Loyd. Mike earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from Columbia College in 2012. Mike has provided instruction for central Florida Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers, the US Peace Corps, the International Chiefs of Police Association, the Florida Homicide Investigators Association, and various other police departments and security professionals across the US. He is a member of the teaching staff at P.A.T.C. (the Public Agency Training Council), Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, and Daytona State College in Daytona, Florida.
Miriam DicklerMiriam Dickler is the former Director of Communications for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia. In her six years with Charlottesville, she served as primary city spokesperson, led a staff of four and an office responsible for media relations, public relations, community engagement, web and social media content and the City’s three PEG television stations. The Charlottesville Director of Communications is also the Lead Public Information Officer (PIO) for Emergency Management, the City's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer and a senior advisor to the City Manager. Prior to working for Charlottesville, Ms. Dickler served in a similar role as the first full-time Public Information Officer for the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, building that city’s communications operation from the ground up. Over the course of her career in local government, she was the primary communications official for multiple events that attracted widespread national attention and responsible for directing teams of local and regional communications professionals through those events and their aftermaths. In early 2018, Ms. Dickler stepped away from local government communications to explore new opportunities. She is currently working with James Madison University in Harrisonburg to design a local and state government continuing education curriculum. She also consults independently for individuals and organizations. Ms. Dickler is proud to have been called “one of the best PR professionals” and “a dedicated communications miracle worker” by her colleagues. She lives in Charlottesville with her husband.
Dr. Paris SpencerDr. Spencer is currently the President and CEO of Academic Solutions Initiative. Dr. Spencer attended Texas State University for his Bachelors, Our Lady of the Lake University for his Masters, and Oakland City University for his Doctorate. He graduated with top honors in both graduate programs. Dr. Spencer has served as an Adjunct Professor and as an executive consultant to private colleges and universities across the country. He has built training and academic curriculums for more than 5 years. Dr. Spencer has created over 25 training programs for law enforcement and is known for specifically tailored training to an agency’s needs. Dr. Spencer also spent several years in fugitive recovery and has practiced Martial Arts for more than 20 years. Dr. Spencer has been a trainer to law enforcement for more than 10 years. He is the author of two publications, one of which earned the status of “Dissertation of the year 2016.” The title of the Dissertations was “Classifying Gang Membership, and Gang Activity as Domestic Terrorism.”
Paul VillaverdeSergeant Paul A. Villaverde is a law enforcement supervisor within a law enforcement agency in Miami-Dade County. He has served its citizens for over 29 years. Sergeant Villaverde has a vast amount of work experience, knowledge and training derived from his work and supervisory assignments, which include: the, Homicide Bureau, Executive Officer to the Head of Agency (oversaw Governmental Affairs), Media Relations Section, Sergeant At Arm’s Unit, Robbery Bureau, Narcotics Bureau, Warrants Bureau, Professional Compliance Bureau, General Investigations Unit, Crime Suppression Team and previously detached as a Task Force officer for the US Marshal’s Service, and to Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF). Sergeant Villaverde currently supervises the Homicide Bureau Cold Case Unit and is an active member for over 20 years of the Special Response Team’s Hostage Negotiator Unit. Sergeant Villaverde possesses a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management and has a professional and practical background in law enforcement supervision and investigations. His practical knowledge and experience is rooted in him from the positions and assignments he has held. Sergeant Villaverde has served as an instructor concerning several investigative levels subjects and has been teaching for over 20 years. He is sought out to instruct, Homicide School, New Detective and Criminal Investigator Class, Internal Affairs School, Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Officer Discipline School, Miami-Dade County Medicolegal Death Investigations School, Public Information Officer Course and has previously instructed Robbery Bureau Investigations Classes and General Investigations Schools. He utilizes a dynamic approach to instruction that includes student participation and thought provoking problem solving methods relative to today’s law enforcement professional. Sergeant Villaverde proudly served as an elected Board of Director for the Dade County Police Benevolent Association, (PBA) for over ten years, and currently remains a proud member of the PBA.
Perry HollowellPerry W. Hollowell recently retired as Chief of Police, but has also been a Sheriff, Chief Deputy, Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant while serving with three jurisdictions. Along with a thirty-five year law enforcement career he has also had a successful military career retiring after twenty-two years of service. A strong training background includes training law enforcement and military on both a national and international basis.Along with educating thousands of police and military, Perry has been adjunct faculty for three colleges. He has also pursued numerous hours of professional development programs to include the FBI National Academy, U.S. Army Sergeant’s Major Academy and a Master of Business Management Degree. His training, experience and education has provided the opportunity to train in a wide variety of topics.
Roger DavisRoger Davis currently serves as a special agent supervisor for a state level criminal investigative agency. In that capacity, he commands the Major Crimes, Special Investigations, and Crimes Against Children units for the southern districts of the state. His responsibilities include the supervision of high-profile criminal investigations involving officer involved shootings and critical incidents, homicides, serial crimes, public corruption, sexual and physical assault cases involving children, and cyber based investigations regarding online child predators. In his 25 years of law enforcement, he has served in numerous capacities on both a state and local level. This includes patrol, assistant field commander of a narcotics task force, criminal investigator, special agent, and various assignments within supervision. He has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati and a master's degree in criminal justice from the University of Massachusetts-Lowell . He will be a recent graduate from the FBI National Academy in September of 2019. Roger has obtained his master criminal investigator certification from the Ohio Peace Officer's Training Commission in addition to numerous other certifications including Force Science. He has been nominated and awarded numerous awards including the Ohio Attorney General’s Distinguished Law Enforcement Group Achievement Award, Ohio Attorney General All Staff Teamwork Award , Fraternal Order of Police Ohio's Finest Finalist, Emil Otting Award, and patrol officer of the year. Roger is married with three children and is an avid woodworker and home remodeler when he is not coaching sports or responding to a callout.
Sam FarinaSam Farina received his B.S. in Criminology from Niagara University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. He furthered his education by receiving his Masters in Criminal Justice Administration from Niagara University and a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from Walden Univeristy. In 1988, he took a position as a Monroe County Sheriff Road Patrol Deputy and has been assigned to a number of specialized assignments including: Criminal Investigations – Warrant Unit, VICE, Research; Planning Unit, and Recruitment Unit. As a Sergeant, he was charged with supervisory duties at the Rochester International Airport and patrol. Chief Farina resigned from the Sheriff’s Office to attend the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy in Quantico, Virginia. After completion of the FBI Academy, Deputy Chief Farina was assigned to the Washington Field Office in the District of Columbia as a Special Agent where he conducted investigations pertaining to asset seizures and forfeitures resulting from a variety of criminal and national security cases. Just over a year’s time, Chief Farina returned to the Sheriff’s Office as a Sergeant due to family reasons. Upon his return, Deputy Chief Farina was assigned to the Inspectional Services Unit responsible for internal inspections of the agency’s operations, accreditation management and internal investigations. Once promoted to Lieutenant in 2002, Farina worked as the Aide to the Sheriff. In 2004, he was promoted to Commander as the Staff Services Bureau Chief. The position of Commander consisted of oversight for all multi-bureau administrative functions. In October 2008, Chief Farina transferred to the Rochester Police Department to oversee the Special Operations Division. As a Police Commander, he maintained responsibility and oversight for the Tactical Unit, the Special Investigations Section, Special Teams, K9, Mounted Unit, and the Youth Services Section. In June of 2010, Commander Farina was promoted to Deputy Chief of Operations which included oversight of all operational and investigative components for the Rochester Police Department. In September of 2011, Deputy Chief Farina retired from the Rochester Police Department after almost 23 years of police service to Monroe County and Rochester. Upon retirement, Deputy Chief Farina provides Hostage and Crisis Negotiations Training for the US State Department to foreign governments. Deputy Chief Farina is the former special team supervisor for the Hostage Recovery Team and is a certified hostage negotiator. In addition, he is a national police accreditation assessor with CALEA and a state accreditation assessor with the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services. He is a certified police instructor and former Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice at the Rochester Institute of Technology, St. John Fisher College, and Roberts Wesleyen College. His professional memberships include: President and founder of the New York Association of Hostage Negotiators and member of the International Association of Chief’s of Police. In 2015, Farina was appointed as the Chief of Police for the Village of Fairport in New York. With respect to hostage negotions, Chief Farina received FBI Basic Neogitator Training in 2001 and has been a hostage team commander for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, the Rochester Police Department and now with the Fairport Police Department. Since 2001, Farina has been involved with almost 100 hostage/barricade situations.
Shaun SantosSgt. Santos has been a law enforcement officer for 20 years, with over 15 years experience as a Narcotics Detective. He has extensive experience working with the Drug Enforcement Administration conducting electronic surveillance investigations in to the Drug Trafficking Organizations. Shaun is currently assigned to the DEA’s Financial Investigations Team (FIT), anti-money laundering group, responsible for conducting large international money laundering investigations. He has experience with foreign and domestic money pick-ups, international bank wire transfers, familiarity with Black Market Peso Exchange, and Attorney General Exempt Operations (AGEO), allowing for the laundering of drug proceeds in furtherance of narcotics investigations. Shaun has received his Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA; Masters Degree from Anna Maria College; and Juris Doctorate from Suffolk University Law School.
Silouan GreenSilouan graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1991 and then accepted a commission in the United States Marine Corps. While serving in the Marines, Silouan was involved in a jet training accident. In the ejection, Silouan's back was broken and his co-pilot tragically killed. This horrible event and the complications that followed led to the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. He was disability discharged and then had to learn to put his life back together. It began with a two-year motorcycle journey where he learned to live. Silouan instructs on Responding to PTSD and Officers in Crisis, Overcoming Adversity, and Foundational Leadership. He teaches people to become leaders in all aspects of their lives, and to use the trials and transitions we all face as fuel to live free and lead with purpose. He has taught around the country at places such as: Walter Reed Medical Center, Fort Campbell, Camp LeJeune, to thousands of police officers and first responders from hundreds of law enforcement agencies, mental health professionals, corporations, non-profits and major universities. Silouan is a dynamic speaker whose classes are focused on delivering solid information and practical tools for living and leading. He provides a broad perspective that officers find refreshing, educational, and most of all, motivating to lead.
Tim RandallSgt. Tim Randall (Retired) served with the Nampa Idaho Police Department for 31 years. He was assigned as a criminal investigator for 21 of those 31 years. As a lead investigator and supervisor, he conducted and assisted in hundreds of investigations. These include homicides, suicides, child abuse, rape, robbery and internal investigations. Tim has served in many positions to include, patrol, patrol supervisor, criminal investigations, CID supervisor, SWAT, school resource officer, internal affairs and polygraph examiner. Tim has served as the supervisor of the Operations of Professional Standard Division and was responsible for recruitment, hiring, and background investigations. Tim currently works for the Twin Falls, Idaho Police Department responsible for hiring and background investigations. Tim also works as an independent contractor conducting background and internal investigations for many agencies. Tim has been an Idaho POST certified instructor for over 25 years in interview & interrogation, SWAT, chemical munitions, child abuse, elder abuse and juvenile procedures.
Thomas "Tom" Tittle"Thomas G. Tittle is a retired Captain with the Marion County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office. Captain Tittle became a member of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in 1977 and was assigned to the Civil Division. Since then he has held assignments within the following areas: Patrol Division, Street Crimes, Property Crimes, Major Crimes, Training Director, Community Relations, D.A.R.E. Officer, Drug Unit and Communications. Prior to the Juvenile Division, Captain Tittle was in charge of a District Station where he supervised uniformed patrol officers and a district detective. Additionally, he was on the S.W.A.T. for 13 years with his last assignment as a Team Leader. During Captain Tittle’s tenure in investigations, he has investigated numerous major crimes, drug cases and property crimes, including, but not limited to: sexual assaults (children and adults), child abuse, robberies, suicides, death investigations, crimes against persons, and vice cases. Captain Tittle holds an Associate of Arts degree from Central Florida Community College in Ocala, Florida. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida. Additionally, he is a graduate of the Southern Police Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. He has attended numerous courses in Death Investigations, Sex Crimes, DEA School, Sniper school, SWAT courses and Domestic Relations. Captain Tittle is an adjunct instructor at the Central Florida Community’s Criminal Justice Institute where he has instructed firearms, driving, domestic violence, crisis intervention and interviews & interrogations techniques and crimes against the elderly. Captain Tittle has had articles published in; The Florida Police Chief, American Police Beat and Inside School Safety and has self-published six law enforcement training manuals.
Tomas "Tom" Tundidor"Officer Tomas Tundidor is a 30 year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department in Miami, Florida. Tomas has served in the Organized Crime Section, Narcotics Bureau, Economic Crimes Bureau and Special Victims Bureau. As a detective in the Organized Crime Section, Tomas conducted several Gambling and Vice Instigations and was lead on several Murder for Hires and Minor Sex Trafficking/Human Trafficking Investigations. Tomas was deputized by the U.S Marshals Service and worked on the FBI’s Minor Vice / Crimes against Children Task Force. He also served as a Task Force Officer for the South Florida Human Trafficking Task Force and the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office Human Trafficking Task Force Officer Tundidor has received serval awards and honors including; Police Officer of the year in 2007, Life-saving Medal in 2001 and 2007, Gold Medal of Valor in 1995 and 2007, the Purple Heart Award in 2007, and the Florida Missing Children's Combating Human/Sex Trafficking Award in 2013.
Wayne SheppardWayne Sheppard assists local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in areas such as violent crime analysis, case consultations and investigative assistance as requested by law enforcement in the United States and abroad. Additionally, he provides training in violent crime analysis, crime scene assessments, the design of law enforcement policies and procedures, the development of regional response plans, and other efforts aimed at enhancing an agency’s overall investigative response to violent crime incidents, missing, abducted and exploited children incidents. He is an international lecturer on behavioral crime scene assessments and murder and rape typologies and has conducted research in the areas of serial homicide and child homicides. Mr. Sheppard is a retired member of the Pennsylvania State Police where he held a number of investigative and supervisory positions. Prior to his retirement, he was the supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Assessment Unit, where he was responsible for the investigation and coordination of psychosexual homicide, serial rape, and other behaviorally based crimes occurring in Pennsylvania, also, the supervisor of the Missing Persons Unit where he provided investigative assistance for law enforcement in missing and sexually exploited children cases, and the Amber Alert Coordinator where he created and implemented the Pennsylvania Amber Alert Program for Pennsylvania. He has also addressed professionals representing the disciplines of law enforcement, corrections, social work, probation and parole, medicine, law, television, radio and academia on a national and international basis. He is the recipient of numerous awards both nationally and internationally for his support and expertise in violent crime and child exploitation investigations. Mr. Sheppard is a member of the Vidocq Society, a group comprised of experts from various disciplines across the country that provide pro bono services in the investigation and analysis of unsolved violent crimes occurring in the United States. He is the past Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Homicide Investigators Association, Virginia Homicide Investigators Association, and past board member of the Attorney General’s Legal/Medical Advisory Board on Elder Abuse. Courses Taught:Death and Homicide InvestigationResponse, Search and Recovery of Missing and Abducted ChildrenSolving Homicides: Investigative Steps to SuccessKinesic and Cognitive Interview Techniques for Street & Road Patrol OfficersUnderstanding Sexual Deviant Behaviors to Conduct Successful Interviews
Dr. William "Bill" Ralston"Dr. Ralston is a State Medical Examiner in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Kentucky. Dr. Ralston is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and National Association of Medical Examiners. Dr. Ralston has held faculty appointments at the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky and lectures throughout the United States to many local and regional law enforcement agencies.
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